Combining Daylighting and Insulated Metal Panels to Create the Ultimate Building Envelope
Combining Daylighting and Insulated Metal Panels to Create the Ultimate Building Envelope

Better buildings have views and daylight. Countless studies confirm that building occupants who are connected to the outside world are healthier and more productive. When natural light is present, stores experience boosted sales, hospital patients recover faster, and schools witness improved academic performance among students. It is well understood that we sleep better when we have exposure to full spectrum natural light during the day.
The return on investment for building owners through employee health and employee performance is extraordinary, especially considering how little it costs to bring natural light into your building! The value and perceived quality of the building have been shown to increase substantially. So why aren’t all buildings illuminated using natural light? There are two reasons.
The first reason is glare. Direct sunlight through transparent glass can create glare which in turns creates serious discomfort for building occupants. Moreover, the light that enters through such windows fails to distribute evenly, resulting in areas of brightness amid dimly lit interior spaces.
The second reason is that building codes require increasingly better thermal performance in building envelopes. Low-e glass has an insulation value of R3. Large amounts of R3 glass will significantly reduce the overall R value.
Is there a way to bring in glare-free sunlight without sacrificing thermal performance of the building envelope? The answer is “yes”, and Norbec has the solution with their translucent panel that intergrate Norbec insulated metal panel and the SoleraWall® from Advanced Glazings Ltd!
SoleraWall® by AGL diffuses light, eradicating glare and evenly dispersing it within the building's interior, creating beautiful interior spaces. These glass panels have insulation values as high as R18 and R25, so the building envelope thermal performance will not be compromised. Most importantly, SoleraWall® seamlessly integrates with Norbec panels, ensuring not only a beautiful building but also water and airtightness. Additionally, they can be installed quickly which helps to reduce costs.
The combined solution of Norbec panels and SoleraWall results in an attractive, high-quality building envelope and a well-daylit, captivating interior.
To learn more about the product, contact us and visit the website!